Brechfa Windfarm
Camarthenshire, South Wales
A UAV aerial mapping survey of Brechfa windfarm in Carmarthenshire, South Wales for Tony Gee consulting engineers.

The Brief
Geoterra was appointed by consultant engineers Tony Gee, on behalf of civil engineering contractors Farrans, to carry out a full UAV aerial mapping survey of Brechfa windfarm. This survey data was required in preparation for the extension of an existing windfarm site. The total area to be flown was in excess of 10km2.
The Solution
Geoterra in partnership with Skycap carried out a UAV aerial survey of the windfarm using a combination of specialist UAV’s. The initial large scale survey was carried out using a Topcon Sirius Pro fixed wing UAV equipped with a high definition DSLR camera with on-board RTK and a fixed point GPS base station located in the centre of each flight. Infill aerial mapping was then completed using the Falcon 8, also equipped with a high definition DSLR camera. Ground control points were set up across the site and surveyed to OS National Grid to ensure precise accuracy.
The Deliverables
We provided our clients with a range of deliverables including a Digital Surface Model, Digital Elevation Model, Ortho-rectified mosaic photography and a 3D point cloud.
This was a particularly challenging project due to the remote location of the site, the large scale and rapidly changing weather conditions. In excess of 10,000 high definition photographs were taken to cover the full 10km2 to produce top quality processed deliverables for our client.